Thursday, April 24, 2014

The importance of sticking at it

Every now and then a 'Competition Winners' segment in shown on Australian TV.

Generally these segments are positive and show how rewarding comping can be...however, the one criticism I always hear from fellow compers is, "They make it look so easy!  They never say how much time and effort goes into it!"

And I tend to agree.

While I believe that there are definitely certain strategies that increase the odds of a win (and this article has some of my favourite tips), the best advice I always give to people starting out is to enter, enter, enter!

What do you think about 'Competition winners' segments on TV?

1 comment :

  1. We have a lot of these in the UK and then a lot on disappointment on comp boards from new compers who expect a fleet of delivery vans rolling up to their houses within a week! Great blog, really fun.
